lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

frequent questions and answers

1- when did you open APPETITE?

june 2005

3- did you study art?

i never really wanted to study art, i tried but only lasted 2 hours at fine art school, i hated it and instead i studied business, much better! but always been into different art forms, mostly music

4, Are you a galerist or an artist?

i dont know, labels are for other people to put and for me to brake

5- galerists don't usually show themselves, but your website has a lot of pitures of you
5- No geral, donos de galeria não aparecem muito, mas você aparece. Porque o seu site tem um link específico com fotos suas?

may be because if anything, I'm more a rock star than a galerist
in case you haven't seen enough, there are more pictures of me at my facebook, fotolog, myspace, flikr...

6- De onde você tirou essa estética meio "bagunçada" para a galeria?

the aesthetics of everything I do is directly connected to my personality, I dont even care in this sense in studying what would work for some target, i just show what i want to see

7- Li que você é conhecida pelas ótimas festas, em Buenos Aires. É verdade? Porque?

cause I'm a party girl!!
I understand cities and life through parties, I can't really work at a new city if I don't go to their parties first, I dont care as much of going to the galleries as i need to go to parties, is the way I connect better with people and understand their codes
You can check about some of my last parties in my new space WARCLUB, I've done many more at Appetite and some other places and cities including New York
I've done great parties and bad parties, I've tried things that didn't work out and things that were amazing, so you never know and I love it that way. Nothing is guaranteed, and we don't give your money back!
I love inviting new bands and Djs, mix with artists interventions, film projections, fashion shows, performance, for me a party is the ultimate art format, as you can combine anything you want and then get people to live it and complete it. In that sense, yeah I'm an artist, I'm a party artist and a rockstar gallerist!

8- it was even worse at my first space! that's because i like it to be spontaneous, when things are too explained they become rigid. when you put art here, thrash there, desk, exhibition, there's almost no room for surprise.. I prefer when people is not so sure if what they see is art or garbage or a pile of stuff that someone left, I prefer when art makes you think or feel and doubdt.
also I'm very messy!

9- artists that work with me know me, nobody is fulling them, anybody can see what they get into and they have a choice. There are good and bad things as working with anybody else. If we connect then they probably like the way I show them. That doesn't meen that i dont take care of their works, or that we dont have our missanderstandings, sometimes we love each other and sometimes we hate our guts

10- Como você escolhe novos artistas para a galeria?

many ways, although now i hardly add any new ones cause i have enough, may be even too many. I always love an artist who surprises me and moves me, that has a personal style and is not trying to imitate somebody else or reapiting something that worked. I wouldnt be able to represent somebody who keeps doing the same over and over just because it sells. I only connect in this sense with people that need to keep experimenting and growing

1 comentario:

girlontape dijo...

gracias x visitar...let's dance, always!